Springbrook Software

Springbrook Software provides comprehensive, fully integrated fund accounting and utility billing enterprise software solutions to local

Information about Springbrook Software

computer software
Number of employees
Portland, US

Company Categories

Government, Government and Military, Information Technology, Software,

Springbrook Software executive employees

jon brady

Software Quality Engineer

nic nelson

Vice President of

patricia walsh

Software Quality Manager

ken hoffmann

Chief Product Officer

katie felchlin

Operations Program Manager

jim mitchell

Director of Sales

jerry fonner

Senior IT professional

jen hribar

Account Manager

jason miller

Senior Technical Writer

jason laulainen

Senior Manager Training

jason burkybile

Full-Stack Senior Software

jacqueline helm

Manager of Customer

dana hisey

Revenue Manager

cory perkins

Chief Technical Officer

cody w.

Vice President Operations

bobby mcrae

Senior Business Development

amanda babajan

Senior Customer Support

lorraine j.

Sales Director Central

patrick milius

Project manager

marissa hagglun

Senior Software Engineer

matia lenk

senior employment security

porsche winston

Account Manager

paula hulburt

Saas ERP Consultant

thomas ford

Project Manager

marc ollivier

Project Manager

patricia noon

MSC Supervisor

liam moriarty

Senior Product Manager

todd sweeney

Director of Product

rick hajjar

Chief Strategy Officer

mike lund

National Sales Manager

Frequent questions about Springbrook Software

How many employees does Springbrook Software have?
Springbrook Software has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Springbrook Software's industry?
Springbrook Software is involved in the industry of computer software.
Where is Springbrook Software headquarters located?
Springbrook Software is located in Portland, US
What is the website of Springbrook Software?
Springbrook Software official website at springbrooksoftware.com

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