Sunrise software solutions corporation (s3)
S3 Corporation is a leading software outsourcing service provider.
Information about Sunrise software solutions corporation (s3)
Number of employees
307/12 Nguyen Van Troi, Ward 1, Tan Binh District, HCMC, Viet Nam, HCM, JP
Company Categories
Custom Software & Technical Consulting, Software Development Services Provider, Software, Software Solutions, Testing Services, Maintenance Services, Web Development, Mobile App. Development, IT Managed Services,Sunrise software solutions corporation (s3) executive employees
tam nguyen
Senior QA
le nguyen
Business Development Director
hoang tran
Senior Frontend Developer
hieu tran
Senior Quality Control
hanh nguyen
Senior Project Manager
hai pham
Senior Frontend Developer
giang phan
Senior Software Engineer
doan phuong
Senior iOS Developer
dinh nguyen
Senior Quality Control
chinh nguyen
Product Manager
anh tr?n
Project Manager
vinh nguyen
Senior Software Engineer
thiem vu
Project Manager
nhan tran
Senior Java Developer
tu nguyen
quy nguyen
Senior Android Developer
nhã phan
General Accountant
vu tran
Senior PHP Developer
phuc duong
Technical Lead Developer
tin tran
Senior .Net Developer
linh le
Founder CEO
Frequent questions about Sunrise software solutions corporation (s3)
How many employees does Sunrise software solutions corporation (s3) have?
Sunrise software solutions corporation (s3) has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Sunrise software solutions corporation (s3)'s industry?
Sunrise software solutions corporation (s3) is involved in the industry of outsourcing/offshoring.
Where is Sunrise software solutions corporation (s3) headquarters located?
Sunrise software solutions corporation (s3) is located in 307/12 Nguyen Van Troi, Ward 1, Tan Binh District, HCMC, Viet Nam, HCM, JP
What is the website of Sunrise software solutions corporation (s3)?
Sunrise software solutions corporation (s3) official website at
Other companies
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