Wallace foundation

The Wallace Foundation is a philanthropic organization that serves disadvantaged children.

Information about Wallace foundation

Number of employees
5 Penn Plz. 7th Fl, New York City, New York 10001, US

Company Categories

Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Education, Organizations, Non Profit,

Wallace foundation executive employees

jody spiro

Director of Education

katherine lewan

Senior Program Officer

edward pauly

Director of Research

christine yoon

Senior Program Officer

bronwyn bevan

Director of Research

thomas lenehan

Chief Investment Officer

stacy martin

Chief Financial Officer

signe conway

Senior Investment Officer

sharon clark

Director of Operations

pam mendels

Senior Editor

nancy devine


melissa connert

Senior Communications Officer

lucas held

Director of Communications

fred savino

Office Services Manager

erik williams

IT Manager

Frequent questions about Wallace foundation

How many employees does Wallace foundation have?
Wallace foundation has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Wallace foundation's industry?
Wallace foundation is involved in the industry of philanthropy.
Where is Wallace foundation headquarters located?
Wallace foundation is located in 5 Penn Plz. 7th Fl, New York City, New York 10001, US
What is the website of Wallace foundation?
Wallace foundation official website at wallacefoundation.org

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