
Quintel designs, develops and delivers advanced high-efficiency, high-performance antenna solutions that help mobile operators to increase

Information about Quintel

Number of employees
1200 Ridgeway Ave. Ste. 132, Rochester, New York 94025, US

Company Categories

RF antenna technology, Telecommunication Equipment, Antenna Sharing, Manufacturing, Network Sharing, Spectrum Efficiency, Wireless Network, Wireless Infrastructure, Wireless Telecom, LTE, 3G,

Quintel executive employees

steve obsitnik

Chairman & CEO

shihkai ni

Manager of Antenna

peter song

Chief Operating Officer

mark wilson

Manager-Operations and System

byron proshold

Senior Mechanical Engineer

andrew stronski

Regional Sales Manager

Frequent questions about Quintel

How many employees does Quintel have?
Quintel has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Quintel's industry?
Quintel is involved in the industry of telecommunications.
Where is Quintel headquarters located?
Quintel is located in 1200 Ridgeway Ave. Ste. 132, Rochester, New York 94025, US
What is the website of Quintel?
Quintel official website at quintelsolutions.com

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