Weiss Memorial Hospital

Louis A. Weiss Memorial Hospital, is an urban hospital located in Uptown.

Information about Weiss Memorial Hospital

hospital & health care
Number of employees
4646 N MARINE Dr, Chicago, Illinois 60640, US

Company Categories

Hospitals & Clinics, Health Care, Healthcare,

Weiss Memorial Hospital executive employees

brad aleonar

Clinical Manager

deanna peterson

Vice President

tracy alvarez

Senior Physical Therapist

dr. mark

Vice President

nicole pefley

Manager Food &

heidi behnke

Director of Rehab

darren jackson

Senior Director Of

alana stickel

Director of Imaging

abigail lochotz

Senior Center Coordinator

teresa tuohy

Director of Graduate

terry tuohy

Director of Medical

tracy rinehart

Practice Manager


Director of Orthopedics

shirley roy

Medical Director Weiss

tom byczek

Accounts Payable Manager

teresa tuohy

Director of Residency

peter coker

Materials Manager

valerie culver

Director Marketing

faith payne

Manager sterile processing

john stamps

Technical Lead

juan lopez

Business Manager Surgery

ian quinn

Nursing Manager

kevin brown

Director of Public

maggie sidea

Pharmacy Director

desai ila

lab administrative director

lyn bunzol

Laboratory Manager

elizabeth hines

Practice Manager

kevin brown

Director of security

marlene stone

Director of Materials

kevin dang

Senior Network Analyst

david metso

Senior Staff Nurse

clement rose

Medical Director of

Frequent questions about Weiss Memorial Hospital

How many employees does Weiss Memorial Hospital have?
Weiss Memorial Hospital has approximately 501-1000 employees.
What is Weiss Memorial Hospital's industry?
Weiss Memorial Hospital is involved in the industry of hospital & health care.
Where is Weiss Memorial Hospital headquarters located?
Weiss Memorial Hospital is located in 4646 N MARINE Dr, Chicago, Illinois 60640, US
What is the website of Weiss Memorial Hospital?
Weiss Memorial Hospital official website at weisshospital.com

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