
Intelitek transforms education across the globe through comprehensive technology learning solutions.

Information about Intelitek

Number of employees
18 Tsienneto Rd, Derry, New Hampshire 03038, US

Company Categories

Business Services, Education, Retail, E-Learning, STEM Education, Engineering, Training, Software, e-Learning, Industrial Maintenance, CNC, CAD, CAM, Robotics, FMS, CIM, Rapid Prototyping, Professional Development, Career and Technical Education (CTE), Assessments, Classroom Management Technology, Learning Management Systems (LMS),

Intelitek executive employees

john hamel

Procurement & Logistics

yoram d.

Chairman & Chief

trevor pope

Customer Success Manager

mark shier

Partner & Active

e.j. glatt

Senior Instructional Designer

art harvey

Certified Materials Management

yogev benmoshe

Project Manager assembly

treasa biyatres

Country Manager-India

ido yerushalmi

President & CEO

david crowell

Vice President Sales

danny rothstein

Global Sales &

dan maor

General Manager

Frequent questions about Intelitek

How many employees does Intelitek have?
Intelitek has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Intelitek's industry?
Intelitek is involved in the industry of e-learning.
Where is Intelitek headquarters located?
Intelitek is located in 18 Tsienneto Rd, Derry, New Hampshire 03038, US
What is the website of Intelitek?
Intelitek official website at

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