
Onlea is a e-learning education company located in Edmonton.

Information about Onlea

Number of employees
10310 Jasper Ave., Ste. 560, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 1Y8, CA

Company Categories

Education, Software Development & Design, Software, E-Learning, MOOC Production, Training, Digital Learning, Blended Learning Interactive Objects, Video Games, Interactive Learning Apps, Gaming,

Onlea executive employees

lesley thompson

Project Manager

sherri fricker

Learning Design Manager

alma tang

Director Of Operations

Frequent questions about Onlea

How many employees does Onlea have?
Onlea has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Onlea's industry?
Onlea is involved in the industry of e-learning.
Where is Onlea headquarters located?
Onlea is located in 10310 Jasper Ave., Ste. 560, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 1Y8, CA
What is the website of Onlea?
Onlea official website at

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