Alstar oilfield contractors ltd.

Alstar Oilfield Contractors is a oil and gas energy company located in Calgary.

Information about Alstar oilfield contractors ltd.

oil & energy
Number of employees
310 E River Rd, Hinton, Alberta T7V 2G3, CA

Company Categories

Metals & Minerals, Metals & Mining, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment,

Alstar oilfield contractors ltd. executive employees

kris ring

Executive Vice President

jay lafond

Manager Business Operations

sean mcaslan

Key Account Manager

len samletzki

Chief Financial Officer

treasa ashir

Manager HR Projects

Frequent questions about Alstar oilfield contractors ltd.

How many employees does Alstar oilfield contractors ltd. have?
Alstar oilfield contractors ltd. has approximately 501-1000 employees.
What is Alstar oilfield contractors ltd.'s industry?
Alstar oilfield contractors ltd. is involved in the industry of oil & energy.
Where is Alstar oilfield contractors ltd. headquarters located?
Alstar oilfield contractors ltd. is located in 310 E River Rd, Hinton, Alberta T7V 2G3, CA
What is the website of Alstar oilfield contractors ltd.?
Alstar oilfield contractors ltd. official website at

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