Ifranchise group

iFranchise Group is a management consulting franchise in Illinois.

Information about Ifranchise group

management consulting
Number of employees
905 W. 175th St. Second Fl, Homewood, Illinois 60430, US

Company Categories

Management Consulting, Consulting, Franchise Development and Implementation, Business Services, Information Technology, Franchise Marketing, Strategic Planning, Operations Manual Development, Quality Control, Franchise Sales Training, Business Planning,

Ifranchise group executive employees

steve burke

Director of Information

patrick ifrah

President & CEO

natalie lamb

Strategic Marketing Director

micah brown

Vice President Ifrah

lia brakel

Director of Marketing

laurie ludes

Senior Consultant

judy janusz

Vice President Operations

judy janusz

Vice President Operations

joseph bargas

Senior Franchise Consultant

joe lutz

Senior Consultant

george rummel

Senior Consultant

emiliano jöcker

Senior Consultant

dave hood

President The iFranchise

april scarlett

Senior Content Developer

Frequent questions about Ifranchise group

How many employees does Ifranchise group have?
Ifranchise group has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Ifranchise group's industry?
Ifranchise group is involved in the industry of management consulting.
Where is Ifranchise group headquarters located?
Ifranchise group is located in 905 W. 175th St. Second Fl, Homewood, Illinois 60430, US
What is the website of Ifranchise group?
Ifranchise group official website at ifranchisegroup.com

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