Chrysalis los angeles

Chrysalis is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a pathway to self-sufficiency for homeless.

Information about Chrysalis los angeles

civic & social organization
Number of employees
13545 Van Nuys Blvd. Ste. #1, Pacoima, California 91331, US

Company Categories

Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations,

Chrysalis los angeles executive employees

adam hirsch

Director Of Business

alan zeng


april lindh

Manager of Major

george escandon

Business Development Manager

brianna dau

Business Development Manager

porsha westbroo

Senior Operations Manager

wendy sanchez

Program Data Manager

nathan ziadie

Operations Manager

molly larson

Vice President Program

michael graff-w

Vice President Strategy

mark loranger

President & CEO

mae gates

Government Relations Manager

lisa dulyea

Director of Philanthropy

kevin glover

Co Executive Director

kendra jones

Director of Operations

jessica marin

Volunteer & Program

jessica fuentes

Director Of Operations

grace davis

Director of Operations

emeline neau

Sr. Operations Manager

elizabeth wilso

Director of Enterprise

elizabeth ford

Director of Program

cesar pardo

Career Development Manager

belen monroy

Director Reentry Initiatives

anna hurst

Fund Manager

Frequent questions about Chrysalis los angeles

How many employees does Chrysalis los angeles have?
Chrysalis los angeles has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Chrysalis los angeles's industry?
Chrysalis los angeles is involved in the industry of civic & social organization.
Where is Chrysalis los angeles headquarters located?
Chrysalis los angeles is located in 13545 Van Nuys Blvd. Ste. #1, Pacoima, California 91331, US
What is the website of Chrysalis los angeles?
Chrysalis los angeles official website at

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