
eGeNTIC is a online marketing company that specializes in lead generation and increasing business for its clients.

Information about Egentic

marketing and advertising
Number of employees
Oberliederbacher Weg 25, Sulzbach, Bayern 65843, DE

Company Categories

Lead Generation, Direct Marketing, Advertising & Marketing, Sales and Marketing, Business Services, Email Marketing, International campaigns, Online Marketing, Online Media Buying,

Egentic executive employees

stefania feger-

Senior International Marketing

syazana ramlan

Senior Executive Finance

sheila drasbeck

Sales Manager eGENTIC

maciej czerniej

Country Manager Poland

luke addison

Managing Director

justine valeri

Business Development Manager

Frequent questions about Egentic

How many employees does Egentic have?
Egentic has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Egentic's industry?
Egentic is involved in the industry of marketing and advertising.
Where is Egentic headquarters located?
Egentic is located in Oberliederbacher Weg 25, Sulzbach, Bayern 65843, DE
What is the website of Egentic?
Egentic official website at

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