Nona lim

Nona Lim makes non-GMO, dairy-free, and gluten-free soups, broths, and convenient meals using the freshest local and organic ingredients.

Information about Nona lim

food & beverages
Number of employees
3310 Peralta Street, Oakland, CA 94608, US

Company Categories

Food and Beverage, Gluten Free, Vegan Soups, Food & Beverages, Food Processing, Gluten Free, Slow Simmered Bone Broths, Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Organic Food, Gluten Free Rice Noodles, Manufacturing, Fresh, Vegan Ramen Noodles, Convenient, Heat & Sip Soup Cups, Authentic Asian Flavors,

Nona lim executive employees

walter watty

Production Manager

nona lim

CEO Founder

miru yim

National Retail Sales

gladys murillo

General Manager Production

aimee hiller

Order Fulfillment Manager

Frequent questions about Nona lim

How many employees does Nona lim have?
Nona lim has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Nona lim's industry?
Nona lim is involved in the industry of food & beverages.
Where is Nona lim headquarters located?
Nona lim is located in 3310 Peralta Street, Oakland, CA 94608, US
What is the website of Nona lim?
Nona lim official website at

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