Figo gmbh

figo is a banking service provider.

Information about Figo gmbh

Number of employees
Gaußstraße 190, Hamburg, Hamburg 22765, DE

Company Categories

Banking, Financial Services, Finance, Fintech, Lending and Investments, Api Banking, Payment, FinTech, Mobile Payment, Personal Finance, API,

Figo gmbh executive employees

thulfiqar ali

Senior Product Designer

ioanna kueng

Europe's leading independent

tom hönemann

Working Student-Data Analytics

thomas loewe

Customer Service Manager

ivan gilli

Lead Customer Service

mirela proença

Senior Talent Acquisition

sharom gulzari

Senior Technical Support

kathrin gunawar

Strategic Partner Manager

louis figo

Owner figo

kristina marra

Owner figo

melanie vaiascc

junior stylist

Frequent questions about Figo gmbh

How many employees does Figo gmbh have?
Figo gmbh has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Figo gmbh's industry?
Figo gmbh is involved in the industry of banking.
Where is Figo gmbh headquarters located?
Figo gmbh is located in Gaußstraße 190, Hamburg, Hamburg 22765, DE
What is the website of Figo gmbh?
Figo gmbh official website at

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