Modulated imaging, inc.

Light based technology sees beyond the visual, bringing exciting new insights to research, aesthetics and medicine.

Information about Modulated imaging, inc.

Number of employees
Irvine, California, US

Modulated imaging, inc. executive employees

colin fahey

Senior Software Engineer

scott dolin

Vice President

nabil elazmeh

Senior Software Developer

linh boyle

Senior Quality Engineer

kellie quinn

Practice Development Manager

blake byrne

Director of Marketing

andre grujovski

Vice President Marketing

amaan mazhar

Chief Product Officer

david cuccia

Founder CTO

charlie huiner

President & Chief

Frequent questions about Modulated imaging, inc.

How many employees does Modulated imaging, inc. have?
Modulated imaging, inc. has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Modulated imaging, inc.'s industry?
Modulated imaging, inc. is involved in the industry of research.
Where is Modulated imaging, inc. headquarters located?
Modulated imaging, inc. is located in Irvine, California, US
What is the website of Modulated imaging, inc.?
Modulated imaging, inc. official website at

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