Pickard chilton

Pickard Chilton is an architecture & planning company specializing in architectural design and design planning.

Information about Pickard chilton

architecture & planning
Number of employees
980 Chapel St, New Haven, Connecticut 06510, US

Company Categories

Architecture, Engineering & Design, Consulting, Construction, Product Design, Design,

Pickard chilton executive employees

yiwei gao

Junior Architect

jovan rhodes

Finance Manager

jonathon hargre


john lanczycki

Project Manager

Frequent questions about Pickard chilton

How many employees does Pickard chilton have?
Pickard chilton has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Pickard chilton's industry?
Pickard chilton is involved in the industry of architecture & planning.
Where is Pickard chilton headquarters located?
Pickard chilton is located in 980 Chapel St, New Haven, Connecticut 06510, US
What is the website of Pickard chilton?
Pickard chilton official website at pickardchilton.com

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