Cairncross & hempelmann

Cairncross & Hempelmann is a law firm that provides legal services in traditional fields such as corporate, real estate, and family law.

Information about Cairncross & hempelmann

law practice
Number of employees
524 Second Ave., Ste. 500, Seattle, Washington 98104, US

Company Categories

Law Firms & Legal Services), Real Estate), Land Use, Natural Resources & Environmental Law), Litigation), Creditors Rights & Bankruptcy), Tax), Intellectual Property & Technology Transactions), Corporate Finance & Business Transactions), Employment Law), M&A), Long Term Care & Seniors Housing),

Cairncross & hempelmann executive employees

stu harris

Director of Technology

ann hanni

Human Resources Manager

steve vanderhoe

Senior Business Litigation

ric thorning

Facilities & Events

melissa clement

Director of Business

angela brockman

Director of Finance

Frequent questions about Cairncross & hempelmann

How many employees does Cairncross & hempelmann have?
Cairncross & hempelmann has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Cairncross & hempelmann's industry?
Cairncross & hempelmann is involved in the industry of law practice.
Where is Cairncross & hempelmann headquarters located?
Cairncross & hempelmann is located in 524 Second Ave., Ste. 500, Seattle, Washington 98104, US
What is the website of Cairncross & hempelmann?
Cairncross & hempelmann official website at

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