Dublin city council

Dublin City Council is the democratically elected body that governs Dublin City.

Information about Dublin city council

government administration
Number of employees
Wood Quay, Dublin, Leinster D08 RF3F, IE

Company Categories

Government, Housing, Planning, Roads & Traffic, Water, Waste & Environment, Business, Culture, Community,

Dublin city council executive employees

janet lambe

IT Project Manager

jennifer o'donn

Senior Executive Technician-Informa

john lynch

Senior Systems Officer

Frequent questions about Dublin city council

How many employees does Dublin city council have?
Dublin city council has approximately 5001-10000 employees.
What is Dublin city council's industry?
Dublin city council is involved in the industry of government administration.
Where is Dublin city council headquarters located?
Dublin city council is located in Wood Quay, Dublin, Leinster D08 RF3F, IE
What is the website of Dublin city council?
Dublin city council official website at dublincity.ie

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