Alyn hospital

ALYNnovation is Israel's only pediatric and adolescent rehabilitation facility.

Information about Alyn hospital

hospital & health care
Number of employees
122 East 42nd St. #1519, New York City, New York 10168, US

Company Categories

Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare,

Alyn hospital executive employees

tami poupko

Marketing Manager

yael avni

Co-founder & head

uri lahav

Director of Therapeutic

uri inbar

Director of IT

keenan joseph

Director of Orthopaedics

keenan joseph

Director of Orthopaedics

arie melamed

General Manager ALYN

Frequent questions about Alyn hospital

How many employees does Alyn hospital have?
Alyn hospital has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Alyn hospital's industry?
Alyn hospital is involved in the industry of hospital & health care.
Where is Alyn hospital headquarters located?
Alyn hospital is located in 122 East 42nd St. #1519, New York City, New York 10168, US
What is the website of Alyn hospital?
Alyn hospital official website at

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