Patent co.

Patent Co. is a rapidly-growing animal nutrition solutions provider headquartered in Southeastern Europe.

Information about Patent co.

food production
Number of employees
Vlade Cetkovica 1a, Misicevo, Serbia 24211, RS

Company Categories

Food & Beverages, Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Manufacturing,

Patent co. executive employees

zoran kostic

IT Director

siniša jovanovi

Purchasing manager

rastko djuric

Investments projects and

radivoje perovi


miodrag perovic

Executive Director

mihajlo radic

Commercial Finance Manager

kate cornista

Business Development Manager

jérémy gatine

Area Manager South

ede horti

Director Of Operations

Frequent questions about Patent co.

How many employees does Patent co. have?
Patent co. has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Patent co.'s industry?
Patent co. is involved in the industry of food production.
Where is Patent co. headquarters located?
Patent co. is located in Vlade Cetkovica 1a, Misicevo, Serbia 24211, RS
What is the website of Patent co.?
Patent co. official website at

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