Epe corporation

EPE Corporation is an electronic manufacturing company specializing in logistics solutions.

Information about Epe corporation

electrical/electronic manufacturing
Number of employees
645 Harvey Rd, Manchester, New Hampshire 03103, US

Company Categories

Commercial & Residential Construction), Electronics), Electricity, Oil & Gas), Consumer Electronics), Construction), Hardware), Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment), Logistics), Transportation), Manufacturing),

Epe corporation executive employees

jim bell


william sturgil

Project Director

tracey bell

Marketing Manager

scott gage

Senior Manufacturing Engineer

peter evans

Co-Founder & President

maria felix

Senior Buyer

lindiwe musekiw

Director Of Manufacturing

leatha anfuso

Credit Manager

kirit patel

Director of Quality

kirit patel

Director of Quality

jim bell

Owner EPE Corporation

jason long

Senior Manufacturing Engineer

cindy dwyer

HR Manager

bob souter

Executive Vice President

Frequent questions about Epe corporation

How many employees does Epe corporation have?
Epe corporation has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Epe corporation's industry?
Epe corporation is involved in the industry of electrical/electronic manufacturing.
Where is Epe corporation headquarters located?
Epe corporation is located in 645 Harvey Rd, Manchester, New Hampshire 03103, US
What is the website of Epe corporation?
Epe corporation official website at epecorp.com

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