Wapa televisión

Wapa Television is an entertainment company providing live tv, social media, and news.

Information about Wapa televisión

Number of employees
P.O. Box 362050, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936, US

Company Categories

Broadcasting, Television Stations, Broadcasting, Radio and Television, News, Live TV, Media and Entertainment, Digital & Social Media, Media & Internet, Video, Gaming, Advertising, Music, Mobile Video, Music and Audio, Content and Publishing,

Wapa televisión executive employees

joe ramos


frank dobek

Director Of Operations

domingo espinet

Broadcast Technology Manager

christian medin

Engineering Department Supervisor

ada monzon

Chief Meteorologist-Noticentro Al

lydelka acevedo

Senior Tax Accountant

alida vega

Social Media Management

Frequent questions about Wapa televisión

How many employees does Wapa televisión have?
Wapa televisión has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Wapa televisión's industry?
Wapa televisión is involved in the industry of entertainment.
Where is Wapa televisión headquarters located?
Wapa televisión is located in P.O. Box 362050, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936, US
What is the website of Wapa televisión?
Wapa televisión official website at wapa.tv

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