
Rayner Surgical Group is manufactures Intraocular lenses and associated instruments used in cataract surgery.

Information about Rayner

medical devices
Number of employees
10 Dominion Way, Worthing, West Sussex BN3 7AN, GB

Company Categories

Drug Manufacturing & Research, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare,

Rayner executive employees

seaneen lupier

National Account Manager

warwick strand

Marketing Director

ricardo johnson

Marketing Manager Americas

lisa farquhar

Rayner Country Manager

vedprakash mish

International Marketing Manager

richard erikson

Territory Manager

lauren prendevi

Regional Business Director

scott whitlock

Director Global Supply

jake rogan

Territory Sales Manager

hendrik r.

Country Manager Germany

elena lausberg

Finance Director Americas

daniel taylor

Supply Chain Management

daniel jones

Procurement Manager

wade allen

Vice President Americas

Frequent questions about Rayner

How many employees does Rayner have?
Rayner has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Rayner's industry?
Rayner is involved in the industry of medical devices.
Where is Rayner headquarters located?
Rayner is located in 10 Dominion Way, Worthing, West Sussex BN3 7AN, GB
What is the website of Rayner?
Rayner official website at rayner.com

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