Tempus, Inc

Tempus is a financial services company providing corporate foreign exchange and international payment solutions.

Information about Tempus, Inc

financial services
Number of employees
1201 New York Ave., NW Ste. 300, Washington, D.C, District of Columbia 20005, US

Company Categories

Credit Cards & Transaction Processing, Foreign Exchange, Finance, International Payments, Risk Management / Hedging, Online Trading, Market Insight,

Tempus, Inc executive employees

john doyle

Vice President of

john green

Chief Operations Officer

raj jhobalia

Senior Sales Director

matthew malone

Sales Director

marc fernandes

Managing Director

lloyd bellamy

FX Sales Director

jessica clover

Director of Sales

jay jacobs

Sales Director

henry c.

Director FX &

gabriela cardie

Risk Management

emmanuel serran

Global Payments

catherine snyde

Product Management-Digital Transfor

bryan cohen

Managing Director

ava james

Business Development Manager

audra evans

Head of Marketing

amy chin

Managing Director

shad carpenter

Executive Director

sandra benet

Managing Director-Tempus Inc.

rebecca reeve

Chief Compliance Officer

toral parikh

Head of Revenue

patrick mcglaug

Managing Director

nadim sherbini

Sales Director

michael sankows

Director of Payment

michael hernan

Head Of Finance

martin benitez

Global Finance

lynn liu

Senior Accountant

leighanna morbe

FX Sales Director

kevin schwab

Risk Management

kebar temesgen

Associate Director-Corporate Dealer

Frequent questions about Tempus, Inc

How many employees does Tempus, Inc have?
Tempus, Inc has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Tempus, Inc's industry?
Tempus, Inc is involved in the industry of financial services.
Where is Tempus, Inc headquarters located?
Tempus, Inc is located in 1201 New York Ave., NW Ste. 300, Washington, D.C, District of Columbia 20005, US
What is the website of Tempus, Inc?
Tempus, Inc official website at tempus-us.com

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