Synectics for management decisions, inc

Synectics for Management Decisions is an information technology company specializing in software development and health IT solutions.

Information about Synectics for management decisions, inc

information technology and services
Number of employees
1101 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 1500, Arlington, Virginia 22209, US

Company Categories

Business Services, Health Care, IT Services for Biomedical Research, Health Sciences, and Health, Information Technology, Integration Services, Software, CIO Support, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Imaging, Digital Government, Outsourcing, Software Development, IT Operations and Maintenance,

Synectics for management decisions, inc executive employees

rick price

Senior Director Business

rajesh udandrao

Senior Architect-Cloud &

pavan kumar

Senior Developer

obed díaz-rodrí

Marketing Director

mayra walker

TEDS Director

laurence dell

Talent Acquisition Lead

joy smf

Human Resources Manager

john millen

Senior Operations Manager

jeffrey whitese

General Manager

glenn pinder

Project Manager

bruce mccracken

Program Director

beth phillips

Senior Program Manager

ana hirsbrunner

President and CEO

walter mehlferb

Senior Director of

vineela k.

Senior QA

roya khodabakhs

Chief Financial Officer

ricky hewlett

IT Operations Manager

Frequent questions about Synectics for management decisions, inc

How many employees does Synectics for management decisions, inc have?
Synectics for management decisions, inc has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Synectics for management decisions, inc's industry?
Synectics for management decisions, inc is involved in the industry of information technology and services.
Where is Synectics for management decisions, inc headquarters located?
Synectics for management decisions, inc is located in 1101 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 1500, Arlington, Virginia 22209, US
What is the website of Synectics for management decisions, inc?
Synectics for management decisions, inc official website at

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