Telekom slovenije

Telekom Slovenije is a communications service company that offers fixed and mobile communications services, and more.

Information about Telekom slovenije

Number of employees
Cigaletova 15, Ljubljana - dostava, Ljubljana 1000, SI

Company Categories

Cable & Satellite, Connectivity Products, Fixed And Mobile Communications, Telephony & Wireless, Internet Service Providers, Digital Content And Services, Telecommunications, Construction And Maintenance Of Telecommunication Networks, Systems Integration And Cloud Computing, Multimedia Services And Digital Advertising, Preservation Of Natural And Cultural Heritage,

Telekom slovenije executive employees

bostjan stempel

Head Of Service

robert pongrac

Product Manager

matic logar

Assistant Branch Manager

teodor prosen

Head Of Project

laura vidmar

Strategic Projects and

franc zaletel

Project Manager

Frequent questions about Telekom slovenije

How many employees does Telekom slovenije have?
Telekom slovenije has approximately 1001-5000 employees.
What is Telekom slovenije's industry?
Telekom slovenije is involved in the industry of telecommunications.
Where is Telekom slovenije headquarters located?
Telekom slovenije is located in Cigaletova 15, Ljubljana - dostava, Ljubljana 1000, SI
What is the website of Telekom slovenije?
Telekom slovenije official website at

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