Skytech, inc

Skytech is an aviation & aerospace company specializing in sales, maintenance, and repair services.

Information about Skytech, inc

aviation & aerospace
Number of employees
200 Airport Dr, Westminster, Maryland 21157, US

Company Categories

Transportation, Airlines, Airports & Air Services, Electronics, Aircraft Sales, Consumer Electronics, Service, Hardware, Acquisition, Management, Brokerage, FBO Services,

Skytech, inc executive employees

george bafitis

Accounting Manager

dave conover

Senior Executive Vice

cole mckibbin

Regional Sales Manager

udi dahan

Owner skytech

preston estes

Vice President of

tom beers

Senior Sales Rep

sean wallace

Safety Manager

sachin raje

Founder & CEO

rob sammartino

Director-Pilatus Sales

preeti malik

Lead Digital Marketing

myers michael

Director of Service

leonardo ramos


jordan allen

Marketing Director

jennifer longo

Director of Marketing

jacob doster

Team Lead

indulekha pande

Head of Partner

anthony sammart

Regional Sales Manager

akash akash

Owner Skytech

Frequent questions about Skytech, inc

How many employees does Skytech, inc have?
Skytech, inc has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Skytech, inc's industry?
Skytech, inc is involved in the industry of aviation & aerospace.
Where is Skytech, inc headquarters located?
Skytech, inc is located in 200 Airport Dr, Westminster, Maryland 21157, US
What is the website of Skytech, inc?
Skytech, inc official website at

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