Designpro ltd

DesignPro is a provider of precision automation and machine build services to a variety of industries.

Information about Designpro ltd

mechanical or industrial engineering
Number of employees
Rathkeale Industrial Estate, Rathkeale, Munster V94 E5C0, IE

Company Categories

Automation and Robotics, Machine Design and Manufacture, CE Marking and Validation, ISO9001 Certified, Problem analysis with prototype development,

Designpro ltd executive employees

fergal mcginley

Sales Technical Lead

chandramohan po

Director for designpro

Frequent questions about Designpro ltd

How many employees does Designpro ltd have?
Designpro ltd has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Designpro ltd's industry?
Designpro ltd is involved in the industry of mechanical or industrial engineering.
Where is Designpro ltd headquarters located?
Designpro ltd is located in Rathkeale Industrial Estate, Rathkeale, Munster V94 E5C0, IE
What is the website of Designpro ltd?
Designpro ltd official website at

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