CareClix Telemedicine

CareClix is the industry leader in software and services for telemedicine and virtual health.

Information about CareClix Telemedicine

medical practice
Number of employees
1990 K St. NW Ste. 5R, Washington, D.C, District of Columbia 20006, US

Company Categories

Hospitals & Clinics, Health Care, Telemedicine, Healthcare, Health Diagnostics, Electronic Medical Records, Hospital, Virtual Practice, Online Health Systems,

CareClix Telemedicine executive employees

jim palomarez

Client-focused Telehealthcare Solut

emery harris

Sales Manager

augusteen cowan

Vice President of

andrea savu

SaaS Account Executive

amanda wilson

Director of Operations

marianne m.

VP Strategic Partnerships

zane hairston

Senior Account Executive

simon kim

Senior Implementation Manager

scott dattel

Chief Medical Officer

hariram ganesh

Division Director of

Frequent questions about CareClix Telemedicine

How many employees does CareClix Telemedicine have?
CareClix Telemedicine has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is CareClix Telemedicine's industry?
CareClix Telemedicine is involved in the industry of medical practice.
Where is CareClix Telemedicine headquarters located?
CareClix Telemedicine is located in 1990 K St. NW Ste. 5R, Washington, D.C, District of Columbia 20006, US
What is the website of CareClix Telemedicine?
CareClix Telemedicine official website at

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