Docket navigator

Patent litigation research tools

Information about Docket navigator

Number of employees
P.O. Box 7358, Abilene, Texas 79608, US

Company Categories

Information Collection & Delivery, Biotechnology, Media & Internet, Science and Engineering, Consulting, Legal, Professional Services, Robotics, Hardware, Software,

Docket navigator executive employees

tim henke

Chief Technology Officer

Frequent questions about Docket navigator

How many employees does Docket navigator have?
Docket navigator has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Docket navigator's industry?
Docket navigator is involved in the industry of research.
Where is Docket navigator headquarters located?
Docket navigator is located in P.O. Box 7358, Abilene, Texas 79608, US
What is the website of Docket navigator?
Docket navigator official website at

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