
Vocento Group is a multimedia company providing entertainment and information content.

Information about Vocento

broadcast media
Number of employees
Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena 7, Madrid, Madrid 28027, ES

Company Categories

Broadcasting, Publishing, Media and Information Services (B2B), Radio Stations, Advertising, Medios, Television Stations, Sales and Marketing, Radio, Periódicos, Media & Internet, Media and Entertainment, Suplementos y Revistas, Newspapers & News Services, Video, Internet, Music, Prensa Regional, Music and Audio, Medios Audiovisuales, Prensa Nacional, Revistas,

Vocento executive employees

juan hevia-aza

Director de Marketing

Frequent questions about Vocento

How many employees does Vocento have?
Vocento has approximately 1001-5000 employees.
What is Vocento's industry?
Vocento is involved in the industry of broadcast media.
Where is Vocento headquarters located?
Vocento is located in Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena 7, Madrid, Madrid 28027, ES
What is the website of Vocento?
Vocento official website at vocento.com

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