Alterity group

Alterity Group is a consulting firm that manages and guides company's with their HR needs.

Information about Alterity group

human resources
Number of employees
New York, US

Alterity group executive employees

andrew lennox

Leader-Complex Risk

chris mcmullan

Senior Consultant

matt cohen

Senior Consultant

joe rogers

Senior Consultant

jessica davis

Head of Operations

jenna marcus

Senior Consultant

clarrie wilson

Owner Alterity Group

kerry ahrens

Senior Consultant Stop

denise roche

Senior Consultant Alterity

anita lohrs

Senior Managing Consultant

megan lindblad

Operations Manager

matthew covriga

Business Development

karen shea

Operations Lead

Frequent questions about Alterity group

How many employees does Alterity group have?
Alterity group has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Alterity group's industry?
Alterity group is involved in the industry of human resources.
Where is Alterity group headquarters located?
Alterity group is located in New York, US
What is the website of Alterity group?
Alterity group official website at

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