Lancaster Foods, LLC

Lancaster Foods is a food & beverages company that offers produce, organics, and fresh-cut products.

Information about Lancaster Foods, LLC

food & beverages
Number of employees
7700 Conowingo Ave, Jessup, Maryland 20794, US

Company Categories

Transportation, Grocery, Retail, Agriculture, Agriculture and Farming, Consumer Goods, E-Commerce, Food & Beverages, Commerce and Shopping, Business Services, Food and Beverage,

Lancaster Foods, LLC executive employees

ellery wolf

Account Manager

victor leonard

Transportation Manager

troy thomas

Driver Supervisor

wayne dubasak

Facilities Maintenance Manager

will staples

Director of Sales

tonya fisher

Sanitation Manager

steve macintyre

Director of Operations

scott cunningha

Fleet Maintenance Manager

ron bosley

Director of Transportation

ricardo mancia

Food Safety Manager

ramona franklin

Transportation Supervisor

phillip wheelde

Production Maintenance Manager

phillip wheelde

Production Maintenance And

nubia lovo

Production Supervisor

nicholas ertel

Sales Manager

latonya fisher

Sanitation Manager

latonya fisher

Sanitation Manager

juan hernandez

Shipping Supervisor

john robinson

Planning Packaging Manager

john gates

Founder and President

derek mapp

Production Office Supervisor

dennis coleman

Quality Assurance Manager

cedric perry

Manager of Transportation

ben chroniger

Director of Finance

al rivero

Director Of Sales

adrian gomez

Production Supervisor

adam swartz


adam swartz

Sanitation Manager

aaron walker

Shipping Manager

william miller

Finance and Accounting

tasha somervill

Food Safety Manager

Frequent questions about Lancaster Foods, LLC

How many employees does Lancaster Foods, LLC have?
Lancaster Foods, LLC has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Lancaster Foods, LLC's industry?
Lancaster Foods, LLC is involved in the industry of food & beverages.
Where is Lancaster Foods, LLC headquarters located?
Lancaster Foods, LLC is located in 7700 Conowingo Ave, Jessup, Maryland 20794, US
What is the website of Lancaster Foods, LLC?
Lancaster Foods, LLC official website at

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