Myriad Group AG

Myriad Connect enabling mobile operators and enterprises to deliver engaging customer experiences.

Information about Myriad Group AG

Number of employees
Care of GHR Rechtsanwalte AG Bahnhofstrasse 64, Zürich, Zurich 8001, CH

Company Categories

Business Services, Software, Communication Software, Enterprise Software, Mobile Phone Software & Services; Mobile Internet, Browsers, Software Development & Design, Mobile, Mobile VAS, Service Industry, Mobile Social Networking Solutions, Self-Care Services, Android Solutions, Java, Messaging, USSD, Professional Services,

Myriad Group AG executive employees

boyoung seo

Senior Software Engineer

harry edwards

Chief Financial Officer

taro ogawa

Country manager Japan

tao qin

Software Project Manager

sebastien becuw

Chief Technology Officer

rocky liu

Sales Manager Taiwan

qin degang

Senior Software Engineer

phil dubach

Vice President Technology

lan liu

Automation Test Engineer

george distor

Java Solutions Architect

david waruinge

Director Business Development

brandy geng

Android Software Engineer

neo liu

Senior software engineer

Frequent questions about Myriad Group AG

How many employees does Myriad Group AG have?
Myriad Group AG has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Myriad Group AG's industry?
Myriad Group AG is involved in the industry of telecommunications.
Where is Myriad Group AG headquarters located?
Myriad Group AG is located in Care of GHR Rechtsanwalte AG Bahnhofstrasse 64, Zürich, Zurich 8001, CH
What is the website of Myriad Group AG?
Myriad Group AG official website at

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