People source consulting

GB,People Source offers interim recruitment, permanent recruitment and project solution services in the technology sector.

Information about People source consulting

staffing and recruiting
Number of employees
1 georges Sq. bath St, Bristol, Bristol BS1 6BA, GB

Company Categories

Business Services, Consulting, IT & Engineering, Recruiting, Digital Marketing, Professional Services, E-Healthcare, Staffing Agency, Business Consultancy, Administrative Services, Development Technologies, Telecommunications, Broadcast | Media | DTV | IPTV, Senior Appointments, Finance, Audio Technology, Digital Transformation, Technology, Big Data, Business Intelligence,

People source consulting executive employees

steve allington

Managing Consultant

neetu singh

Director Human Resources

moumita das

Consultant Recruitment-HR

Frequent questions about People source consulting

How many employees does People source consulting have?
People source consulting has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is People source consulting's industry?
People source consulting is involved in the industry of staffing and recruiting.
Where is People source consulting headquarters located?
People source consulting is located in 1 georges Sq. bath St, Bristol, Bristol BS1 6BA, GB
What is the website of People source consulting?
People source consulting official website at

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