Meadow ridge

Meadow Ridge is a healthcare company specializing in skilled nursing healthcare services.

Information about Meadow ridge

hospital & health care
Number of employees
100 REDDING Rd, Redding, Connecticut 06896, US

Company Categories

Hospitals & Clinics, Health Care, Healthcare,

Meadow ridge executive employees

brenda warren

Director of Nursing

sal gaetano

Director of Plant

marc gilles

Dining Room Manager

lindsey brown

Dining Room Manager

janet freeburg

Wellness Manager

heidi goodhart

Human Resources Director

cathy goodman

Director of Marketing

cathy goodman

Marketing Director

ann sertl

Director of Sales

anita taylor

Admin Services Director

Frequent questions about Meadow ridge

How many employees does Meadow ridge have?
Meadow ridge has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Meadow ridge's industry?
Meadow ridge is involved in the industry of hospital & health care.
Where is Meadow ridge headquarters located?
Meadow ridge is located in 100 REDDING Rd, Redding, Connecticut 06896, US
What is the website of Meadow ridge?
Meadow ridge official website at

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