Armando testa

Armando Testa is an advertising agency that provides individualized attention to each client.

Information about Armando testa

marketing and advertising
Number of employees
6922 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angele, California 90028, US

Company Categories

Advertising & Marketing, Advertising, Business Services, Sales and Marketing,

Armando testa executive employees

laura alberti

Account Supervisor

stefano salvato

Digital Account Manager

Frequent questions about Armando testa

How many employees does Armando testa have?
Armando testa has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Armando testa's industry?
Armando testa is involved in the industry of marketing and advertising.
Where is Armando testa headquarters located?
Armando testa is located in 6922 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angele, California 90028, US
What is the website of Armando testa?
Armando testa official website at

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