MAGTEC/Magnetic Systems Technology Ltd

Magtec designs and manufactures electric drive systems and components for all vehicle types.

Information about MAGTEC/Magnetic Systems Technology Ltd

Number of employees
222-226 Newhall Rd, Tinsley, South Yorkshire S9 2QL, GB

Company Categories

Motor Vehicles, Automotive, Electric drive systems for commercial vehicles, Manufacturing, Transportation, Permanent magnet traction motors, Autonomous Vehicles, Electronics, Consumer Electronics, Hardware, Professional Services,

MAGTEC/Magnetic Systems Technology Ltd executive employees

mark mst

Manufacturing Supervisor

charles keen

Electrical Supervisor

Frequent questions about MAGTEC/Magnetic Systems Technology Ltd

How many employees does MAGTEC/Magnetic Systems Technology Ltd have?
MAGTEC/Magnetic Systems Technology Ltd has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is MAGTEC/Magnetic Systems Technology Ltd's industry?
MAGTEC/Magnetic Systems Technology Ltd is involved in the industry of automotive.
Where is MAGTEC/Magnetic Systems Technology Ltd headquarters located?
MAGTEC/Magnetic Systems Technology Ltd is located in 222-226 Newhall Rd, Tinsley, South Yorkshire S9 2QL, GB
What is the website of MAGTEC/Magnetic Systems Technology Ltd?
MAGTEC/Magnetic Systems Technology Ltd official website at

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