Augmentum, inc.

Augmentum brings together a highly experienced management and technical team who have lived through developing complex software themselves.

Information about Augmentum, inc.

information technology and services
Number of employees
1065 E. Hillsdale Blvd. Ste. 413, Foster City, California 94404, US

Company Categories

Business Services, CRM, Adoption of Social, Mobility, Analytics, and Cloud (SMAC) “meta, Information Technology, User centered methodology, business process and user experience , Sales and Marketing, Software,

Augmentum, inc. executive employees

harrison che

Product Director

chrystal wang

Head of Marketing

vincent chu

Sr. Software Engineer

grayson xiao

Senior QA Engineer

geoffrey zhu

Senior Software Engineer

frank yu

President & COO

colleen liu


carter peng

Senior Software Engineer

barney augmentu

Chief Technology Officer

angus li


andy lin

Software Consultant Engineer

alexander wang

Managing Director

yuxin yang

Senior IT service

Frequent questions about Augmentum, inc.

How many employees does Augmentum, inc. have?
Augmentum, inc. has approximately 1001-5000 employees.
What is Augmentum, inc.'s industry?
Augmentum, inc. is involved in the industry of information technology and services.
Where is Augmentum, inc. headquarters located?
Augmentum, inc. is located in 1065 E. Hillsdale Blvd. Ste. 413, Foster City, California 94404, US
What is the website of Augmentum, inc.?
Augmentum, inc. official website at

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