Watt international

Watt is a company that offers retail integrated marketing and branding solutions.

Information about Watt international

Number of employees
590 King St W, Toronto, Ontario M5v 1M3, CA

Company Categories

Advertising, Research & Insights, Sales and Marketing, Packaging and Private Brand Development, Marketing, Strategy, Retail, Consulting, Commerce and Shopping, Environmental Design, Marketing & Activation,

Watt international executive employees

ian cooke

Vice President Retail

vince guzzi

Managing Partner

vanessa buckare

Senior Graphic Designer

susan sweny

Account Director

sabina azizli

Marketing Manager

lily szabo

Resource Manager

liliana saavedr

Account Manager

laura twigge

Senior Client Manager

john macdonald

Design Director Watt

helen chen

Senior Designer

donna davis-you

Vice President Human

caitlin harel

Senior Graphic Designer

brian bettencou

creative director

brad wilson

Vice President Business

angela chan

Senior Designer

Frequent questions about Watt international

How many employees does Watt international have?
Watt international has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Watt international's industry?
Watt international is involved in the industry of design.
Where is Watt international headquarters located?
Watt international is located in 590 King St W, Toronto, Ontario M5v 1M3, CA
What is the website of Watt international?
Watt international official website at wattisretail.com

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