IEEE Communications Society

IEEE Communications Society promotes the advancement of science, technology, and applications in communications and related disciplines.

Information about IEEE Communications Society

non-profit organization management
Number of employees
3 Park Ave, New York, New York 10016, US

Company Categories

Association, Industry Leader in Technologies, Newspapers & News Services, Communities, Top Ranked Publications, Digital Resources, Media & Internet, Community and Lifestyle, Worldwide Conferences, Non Profit, Global Sister Societies, Local Chapters, Telecommunications, Technical Committees, Standards, Hardware, Wireless Communications Engineering Technologies, Wireless Training Courses,

IEEE Communications Society executive employees

bruce worthman

Director Finance and

kristine chin

Director of Conferences

jeffry handal

Technical Leader

charles morris

Global Integration Deal

bruce worthman

Director Conferences Finance

bruce worthman

Director Conferences Finance

nelson fonseca

Vice President-Member Relations

natasha simonov

Business Technology Manager

mark kelly

Strategic Digital Marketing

john pape

Experienced Marketing Director

irish mackenzie

Nonprofit Organization Management

david alvarez

Director Information Technology

Frequent questions about IEEE Communications Society

How many employees does IEEE Communications Society have?
IEEE Communications Society has approximately 10001+ employees.
What is IEEE Communications Society's industry?
IEEE Communications Society is involved in the industry of non-profit organization management.
Where is IEEE Communications Society headquarters located?
IEEE Communications Society is located in 3 Park Ave, New York, New York 10016, US
What is the website of IEEE Communications Society?
IEEE Communications Society official website at

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