Caloris engineering, llc

Caloris Engineering is a provider of membrane, evaporation and drying technology.

Information about Caloris engineering, llc

mechanical or industrial engineering
Number of employees
8649 Commerce Dr, Easton, Maryland 21601, US

Company Categories

Water & Water Treatment, Industrial Engineering, Thermal Processing, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment, Manufacturing, Evaporation Systems, Science and Engineering, Drying Systems, Dairy and Food Industry, Wastewater Systems, Membrane Systems,

Caloris engineering, llc executive employees

alex blucher

Project Manager-Installation and

jim kent

Business Development Manager

greg cox

Director of Project

ernest smith

Senior Mechanical Designer

david mullhause

Mechanical Design Lead

chris mulberg

Project Manager

bruce skinner

Sales Manager

artur zimmer


tom schappeler

Process Engineering Manager

todd juntunen

MidWest Sales Manager

theo reis

Senior Process Engineer

pete torseth

Chief Financial Officer

nitesh s.

Senior Project Engineer

melissa corley

Marketing Communications Manager

Frequent questions about Caloris engineering, llc

How many employees does Caloris engineering, llc have?
Caloris engineering, llc has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Caloris engineering, llc's industry?
Caloris engineering, llc is involved in the industry of mechanical or industrial engineering.
Where is Caloris engineering, llc headquarters located?
Caloris engineering, llc is located in 8649 Commerce Dr, Easton, Maryland 21601, US
What is the website of Caloris engineering, llc?
Caloris engineering, llc official website at

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