Avianor Inc

Avianor is a aerospace manufacturing company located in Mirabel.

Information about Avianor Inc

aviation & aerospace
Number of employees
12405 Service A-2, Mirabel, Quebec J7N 1E4, CA

Company Categories

Complete cabin Integration services, Aerospace & Defense, Fabrication and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Maintenance and Overhaul, Engineering / Certification / TCCA FAA and EASA, Wheel and Brake Shop, NDT, Seat Refurbishing, Spare Parts Sales, Cut and Sew,

Avianor Inc executive employees

alain nadeau

Vice President of

gian caligari

Director of Operations

dominic brien

Production Supervisor

sylvain savard

Executive Board Member

shayne c.

Engineering Project Manager

serge champagne

logistics manager

pierre-louis pa

Head of Cabin

patrick charbon

Director of Finance

mathieu demers

Vice-President MRO Sales

martin tremblay

Team leader


Interiors Sales Vice-President

henry f.

Project Manager-Interiors Sales

ginette leclerc

Director of Purchasing

dominic landry

Plant Engineering Manager

benoit chaput

IT Manager

Frequent questions about Avianor Inc

How many employees does Avianor Inc have?
Avianor Inc has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Avianor Inc's industry?
Avianor Inc is involved in the industry of aviation & aerospace.
Where is Avianor Inc headquarters located?
Avianor Inc is located in 12405 Service A-2, Mirabel, Quebec J7N 1E4, CA
What is the website of Avianor Inc?
Avianor Inc official website at avianor.com

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