Environmental protection industries, inc.

A full service environmental consulting and remediation firm .

Information about Environmental protection industries, inc.

environmental services
Number of employees
16650 S Canal St, South Holland, Illinois 60473, US

Company Categories

Commercial & Residential Construction, Life and Health Insurance, Environmental Engineering, Construction, Construction and Engineering, Science and Engineering, Sustainability,

Environmental protection industries, inc. executive employees

sergio meilman

Director of Operations

normand milliar

Executive Director

michael musa


michael musa


matthew maser

Project Manager

john best

Manager of Assessments

david mccarley

Senior Environmental Professional

david drabeck

Project Manager

Frequent questions about Environmental protection industries, inc.

How many employees does Environmental protection industries, inc. have?
Environmental protection industries, inc. has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Environmental protection industries, inc.'s industry?
Environmental protection industries, inc. is involved in the industry of environmental services.
Where is Environmental protection industries, inc. headquarters located?
Environmental protection industries, inc. is located in 16650 S Canal St, South Holland, Illinois 60473, US
What is the website of Environmental protection industries, inc.?
Environmental protection industries, inc. official website at environmental-epi.com

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