Three i design

Three i Design is an architecture & planning company specializing in architecture, design, and engineering services.

Information about Three i design

architecture & planning
Number of employees
2425 W Indiana Street, Evansville, Indiana 47712, US

Company Categories

Consulting), Conceptual Design), Legal), Budget Preparation), Professional Services), Facility Layout), Product Design), Utility Documentation), Design), Engineering Studies), Vendor Proposal Analysis), Project Drawings and Specifications), Award of Construction Contracts), Start-Up Services), Expert Investigations), Turn-Key Installations),

Three i design executive employees

john wilsman

Senior Civil Engineer

mark bottomley

Senior Architect

kyler klein

Junior Civil Engineer

ben halbig

Project Manager

tom bernardin

Senior Project Manager

steve wunderlic

Senior Principal Rtd.

mark seng

Senior Engineer-Associate

kevin poelhuis

Senior Engineer

joe mattingly

Project Manager

jarod arney

Senior Mechanical Engineer

gordon klaus

Principal Director of

david orsburn

Senior Principal

brad schmitt

Business Development

bill griepenstr

Project Manager

Frequent questions about Three i design

How many employees does Three i design have?
Three i design has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Three i design's industry?
Three i design is involved in the industry of architecture & planning.
Where is Three i design headquarters located?
Three i design is located in 2425 W Indiana Street, Evansville, Indiana 47712, US
What is the website of Three i design?
Three i design official website at

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