
Porticus collaborate with partners around the globe to foster human dignity, social justice and sustainability.

Information about Porticus

Number of employees
245 Park Ave, New York City, New York 10167, US

Company Categories

Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Charity, Organizations, Education, Social,

Porticus executive employees

abdallah naeefy

Country Manager Porticus

robert kushen

Director of Portfolios

nathan koblintz

Portfolio Manager Early

sukhmani sethi

Asia Regional Director

nita aggarwal

Programme Manager

ryan burgess

Global lead for

paolo frizzi

Global Programme Manager

lenah gideon

Grant Management

kamau laurah

Grant Manager

jacob roex

Head of Finance

hugo hooijer

Global Program Manager

christina kirby

Programme Manager for

brian hayes

Regional Director

amy sutton

Senior Analyst Effective

Frequent questions about Porticus

How many employees does Porticus have?
Porticus has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Porticus's industry?
Porticus is involved in the industry of philanthropy.
Where is Porticus headquarters located?
Porticus is located in 245 Park Ave, New York City, New York 10167, US
What is the website of Porticus?
Porticus official website at porticus.com

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