Miami plastic surgery

Miami Plastic Surgery is to make their patients look and feel good while providing the most reliable & high-quality cosmetic care in Miami.

Information about Miami plastic surgery

medical practice
Number of employees
1230 S Dixie Hwy, Miami, Florida 33146, US

Company Categories

Hospitals & Clinics), Clinics/Outpatient Services), Cosmetic Surgery), Healthcare), Health Care), Medical),

Miami plastic surgery executive employees

ivette oliva

Inventory Manager

kent wls

Chief Executive Officer

victoria gaxiol

Director of Operations

michael kelly

Owner miami plastic

maria andrew

front desk supervisor

janette sanchez

Senior Surgical Assistant

brici garcia

Senior Surgical Tech

Frequent questions about Miami plastic surgery

How many employees does Miami plastic surgery have?
Miami plastic surgery has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Miami plastic surgery's industry?
Miami plastic surgery is involved in the industry of medical practice.
Where is Miami plastic surgery headquarters located?
Miami plastic surgery is located in 1230 S Dixie Hwy, Miami, Florida 33146, US
What is the website of Miami plastic surgery?
Miami plastic surgery official website at

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