Themis computer

Themis combines industry leadership, high-performance computing.

Information about Themis computer

computer hardware
Number of employees
47200 Bayside Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538, US

Company Categories

Hyper-Converged Infrastructure Platforms, Personal Computers & Peripherals, Ruggedization, Computer Equipment & Peripherals, Small Form Factor Tactical Systems, Manufacturing, System Management, High Performance Computers, Rack-Mounted High Density Servers, Rack-Mounted Standard Density Servers, Single Board Computers,

Themis computer executive employees

john lee

Director Mechanical Engineering

tiffany pham

General Accountant

rollie schmidt

Sr. Director Business

randy law

Engineering Manager

mike venzor

Manager NPI Engineering

meghan hardiman

HR Operations Analyst

margie gardner

Document Control Manager

leroy earl

Director BD

keith burgess

Director Software Engineering

forbes david

Director of Marketing

ed blackmond

Director of Software

dave parker

Production Manager

brad bengtsson

Senior Staff Engineer

Frequent questions about Themis computer

How many employees does Themis computer have?
Themis computer has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Themis computer's industry?
Themis computer is involved in the industry of computer hardware.
Where is Themis computer headquarters located?
Themis computer is located in 47200 Bayside Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538, US
What is the website of Themis computer?
Themis computer official website at

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