Hire an esquire, inc.

Hire an Esquire connects law firms and in house legal departments with a vetted network of top attorneys via an online marketplace platform.

Information about Hire an esquire, inc.

legal services
Number of employees
222 Broadway, New York, New York, US

Company Categories

Legal, Enterprise Software, Legal Staffing, Human Resources & Staffing, Software, Business Services, Legal Services, Professional Services, Legal Technology,

Hire an esquire, inc. executive employees

tiffany taylor

Director of Accounting

scott bowles

Junior Full Stack

morgan zucker

Director of Legal

julie pittman

Project Manager

catherine enck

Chief Operating Officer

brandon savka

Senior Software Engineer

Frequent questions about Hire an esquire, inc.

How many employees does Hire an esquire, inc. have?
Hire an esquire, inc. has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Hire an esquire, inc.'s industry?
Hire an esquire, inc. is involved in the industry of legal services.
Where is Hire an esquire, inc. headquarters located?
Hire an esquire, inc. is located in 222 Broadway, New York, New York, US
What is the website of Hire an esquire, inc.?
Hire an esquire, inc. official website at hireanesquire.com

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