
italki is an eLearning platform that connects its users with online language teachers around the world.

Information about Italki

Number of employees
Units 903-906A, 9/F, Kowloon Centre, Kowloon City, Kowloon N/A, HK

Company Categories

Education, Language Learning, Marketplace, Educational and Training Services (B2C), E-Learning, Search Engines & Internet Portals, Social/Platform Software, Media & Internet, Software, Social Network, K-12 Schools, EdTech, Online Education, Internet, Commerce and Shopping, Foreign Language,

Italki executive employees

sally zhou

People Ops Director

sean huang

italki-Director Of International

kevin chen


yongyue jiang


clover jiang

Product Manager

daisy wei

Service Operations Director

gene yuen

Senior Product Manager

junbo yu

Product Lead

esther govender

Financial officer

hisun wu

Head of Payment

jim leu

italki Business Development

aphiah cey-jude

Client Relationship Manager

alan gu

italki-Director of Strategic

=i skip

italki-Head of Platform

kayo iwanaga

*>ªü¯Ï¦¹-Share house manager

Frequent questions about Italki

How many employees does Italki have?
Italki has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Italki's industry?
Italki is involved in the industry of internet.
Where is Italki headquarters located?
Italki is located in Units 903-906A, 9/F, Kowloon Centre, Kowloon City, Kowloon N/A, HK
What is the website of Italki?
Italki official website at

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