Golden valley golf and country club

Golden Valley Golf and Country Club is a hospitality company specializing in wedding ceremonies, receptions, and social events services.

Information about Golden valley golf and country club

Number of employees
7001 GOLDEN VALLEY Rd, Minneapoli, Minnesota 55427, US

Company Categories

Sports Teams & Leagues, Event Management, Hospitality, Events, Media and Entertainment, Social Media, Internet Services, Sports,

Golden valley golf and country club executive employees

henry orme

Head Golf Professional

samantha goodma

Senior Accountant and

sonia berskow

Human Resources Manager

rebecca wressel

Human Resources Director

meagan laxen

Director of Food

kathleen bartle

Director of Sales

don kovacovich

General Manager

deb wilson

HR Manager

Frequent questions about Golden valley golf and country club

How many employees does Golden valley golf and country club have?
Golden valley golf and country club has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Golden valley golf and country club's industry?
Golden valley golf and country club is involved in the industry of hospitality.
Where is Golden valley golf and country club headquarters located?
Golden valley golf and country club is located in 7001 GOLDEN VALLEY Rd, Minneapoli, Minnesota 55427, US
What is the website of Golden valley golf and country club?
Golden valley golf and country club official website at

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